This is the second post of digital darkroom software battle, click here to read first part. EXPORTING Lightroom has the most of the options. Exporting window is easy understandable and all basic options are customizable. Also you can make different types of watermark and you have a preview. Exports to […]
If a shadow presents itself into your shot, sometime taking advantage of it can make a better composition than avoiding it. They can make amazing lines, angles and a deeper narrative in a well composed space. Here are some examples of shadow photography and how they can be used enhance […]
You don’t need a special macro lens to do macro photography with your SLR. Yes, you’ve read that right. You can actually shoot some pretty interesting close-up photos with the lens you have. When I first saw this trick via Photojojo, I was skeptical as it was so easy and simple. But after giving it a go myself, I was hooked! It involves no additional equipment or money and results will leave you grinning.
I carry my camera almost everywhere I go and catch amazing, candid shots by being open to unexpected situations and people. But, there are cases where you should put your camera away or not bring it at all for various reasons. It can be inappropriate and in some cases illegal […]
Once you have taken your photograph off your camera, it may often be necessary to do some post production work to clean up the shot. It may need more contrast or the colors may be off in the RAW format. This can be done easily in Photoshop once you know […]
There are two ways to compose your photographs. One way is to arrange the shot the way you want it in the camera (including zoom, depending on the capabilities of your camera) through the viewfinder and often try a couple of different angles to choose from. The second way is […]