One thing we’d like to start doing here at Photoble is bring you a weekly recap of what’s going on in the digital photography space. The post will highlight the biggest stories and the most compelling articles of the past week. If you feel we’ve missed something feel free to post in the comments!
Kodak On the Verge Of Bankruptcy
Innovate or die. That is (or should be) the motto for just about any company in today’s world where technology changes quickly. The 131 year old Kodak company moved too slowly to capitalize on the digital photography revolution and now find themselves desperate to sell off patents just to stay alive. Now the question becomes.. will the emergence of higher quality cameras within the iPhone and other mobile phones combined with social networks such as Instagram mean the end for some traditional camera companies? Probably not anytime soon, but it’s something to look for over the next decade and you have to believe that fewer are buying dedicated cameras.
Speaking of camera phones, Photojojo just launched a new blog dedicated to phoneography at Primarily focus on iPhone photography apps.
From one photography dinosaur to another.. Polaroid is apparently launching an Android tablet. Do they really expect to compete with Apple and Amazon?
Lack Of Innovation Award Goes To.. Warner Brothers.
Just what we need. Another photo sharing site. Warner Brothers will soon launch so we can easily share photos with friends. What a novel idea!
Video Diary Of National Geographic Photographer Bruce Albert Dale
This is a great 8 minute video from Bruce discussing his 30 year career that took him to over 75 countries.
The 2011 National Geographic Winning Photo!
See all the winning photos here.