Next time you see a photo with someone running away with his back towards the camera, don’t think it’s a candid photo. It’s in fact a photo craze that has its own blog, Flickr group and has sparked hundreds of people to give it ago.
The technique is simply called Running From the Camera. Simply pop your camera onto a tripod or sturdy surface, set the timer to two seconds, press the button, and then RUN!
This photo inspiration will definitely get you off the couch and maybe you will even find yourself in obscure places and areas. No fancy shoes, expensive cameras, or heavy equipment needed.
Tip: Why just stop at two seconds? Why not try four, eight or even 12? See what kind of images those will produce. Oh, and don’t leave your camera alone for too long!
These quirky photos below will surely put a smile on your face and motivate you to try this out. Let us know if you have more examples!
Running from camera by ircharizard
Run Away From Your Camera by brawk
Still a weird feeling by JSchoeck
Running with dogs by DavidDMuir
Running from camera (2 seconds) by muggezifter This is the guy who runs the blog, so he has plenty of running from camera shots!
Running away from the camera by tinaadventure
Run away from the camera by aldella
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